The Bar Council, while opposing Chinese or Indian converting to Islam, was not concerned when
Chinese/Indian became Christians. And its was part of the attitude of the Bar Council and opposition leaders who dislike Islam and the Malays.
We never hear Bar Council complaining about Chinese renouncing Buddhism or Indian renouncing Hindusm.
But if the Chinese embraces Islam, Bar Council who was manipulated by opposition, goes after them and instigates them to renounce Islam and everybody knows this - DAP leaders is only playing on religious and racial sentiments.
Islam was a religion for all mankind. The misconception about Islam that it was a religion exclusivelyfor the Arabs or the Malays should be cleared. In Malaysia, whenever a Chinese or Indian embraces Islam, one should not feel that he has become a Malay but should instead say he has become a Muslim.
Bar Council should understand that others are not only looking at the country's political and economic strength but also at the strength of its culture and religion.
In Islam, God decreed that the differences in the colours of the skin and in cultures are not the source of confrontation. Instead, it is for us to create understanding.
from http://hard-t.blogspot